Konica Minolta Business Solutions


Konica Minolta Business Solutions USA INC. is a division of the Konica Minolta multinational technology company, founded in Japan. They offer solutions to companies to leverage mobility, cloud services, and optimize business processes with workflow automation. They believe in bringing the ideas of customers and society to life through innovation and give to the creation of high-quality society.

When renovating their corporate office, Konica Minolta wanted custom black Y patterns to fit their unique honeycomb ceilings. The Y pattern consists of three MLS2-M suspended direct light distribution luminaires. Each individual extrusion was precisely cut and then welded together to create the Y pattern. They were then reinforced by welded corner plates to ensure stability and add strength to the luminaire.

When they arrived at Konica Minolta, these custom pieces were suspended from the ceiling in-between large hexagon panels, using aircraft cables. Together, they created a special honeycomb ceiling that attracts the attention of anyone that walks in the room.